Joint Diploma Program


Partner School

Fairmont High School, an accredited high school in California, U.S., recognized by College Board as one of the top schools that achieve students' excellence in math, natural science and technology.



This JDP program is aimed at providing quality education through internationalizing national curriculum implemented in secondary education in Taiwan. It highlights cultivating students by way of aspects of international education, "Think Globally, Act Locally," to deepen students' key competences of "taking the initiative, engaging the public, and seeking the common good" as prescribed in national curriculum guidelines.

Required and Elective Courses

Students are required to earn credits of Academic English, U.S. History, and Seminar and Research; they are also required to take one elective course from AP Calculus, AP Economics, AP Physics, AP Human Geography. They should fulfill raduation requirements mandated by national curriculum in Taiwan. Added Values Students are able to acquire both diplomas of ZZSH and Fairmont and develop understandings and competencies of "Think Globally, Act Locally" through courses, seminars, and activities designed with international perspectives in mind.


Expected outcomes

Students are able to advance their English and achieve a high proficiency, to attend a summer exchange program in the U.S., to acquire TWO high school diplomas, and to build sound college application packets ready for universities in the U.S. as well as universities of students' choice in other countries.
The Joint Diploma with Fairmont Private Schools, Orange County, CA, US 
Unlock Your True Potential
With An American High School
Creativity, Activity, Service
Involves students in a range of activities alongside their academic studies.
  • Creative expression
  • Physical activity
  • Service learning



Health and wellness
Developing a healthy lifestyle and mindset to live a balanced, fulfilling life.
  • Physical education
  • Mental wellbeing
  • Self-care



Enrichment curriculum
The Joint Diploma curriculum encompasses co-curricular learning as well as academic courses in order to educate the whole student.



Regular, small group and even one by one guidance meetings for academic support and personal guidance.

  • Organizational skills
  • Social and emotional development
  • Community-building



Grades 10-12 English level IELTS 4.5

The Joint Diploma is for you if:

  • You are interested in studying a wide range of subjects.
  • You are most interested in attending university in the United States or overseas.
  • You learn best when you have more opportunities to explore the diverse perspectives.
  • You are confident in using English as a tool to access the broad knowledge.



Graduate ready for university

As the internationalized high school qualification in the US, the Joint Diploma is renowned for developing students into multitalented, resourceful graduates. At ZZSH's JDP, we complement the curriculum by assigning each student a University Advisor to provide personalized application advice, interview preparation and help highlight your strengths to universities.