

Division of Tasks


Supervising the effectiveness of the program

Curriculum Administration

Director of Academic Affairs

Implementing programs, Project management

 Experimental Research Team Leader

Application and implementation for the international program,

Performance inspection, International exchange curriculum and activities

 Teaching Team Leader

Faculty professional development, Faculty arrangement,

Course selection briefing, English proficiency testing

Registration Team Leader

Student status management, Grade processing, Graduation and admissions

Curriculum Affairs Team Leader

Curriculum development, Curriculum affairs arrangement,

Subject Teacher

Subject teaching, Learning assessment

Student Counseling Affairs

Counseling Director

Career counseling, Study counseling, Psychological counseling,

Career development activity

 Student Life Counseling

Student Affairs Director

Student life counseling, Group activity

 Library Management

Library Director

Independent learning, Book supplement



Director of Academic Affairs, Xiaocheng Hu, Tel: (02)28234811 #200

Experimental Research Team Leader,  Tel: (02)28234811 #240