On March 16th, students from Ecole des Roches International School shared their creative action service (CAS) with students from ZZSH. Ms. Isadora Lin, an English teacher from ZZSH, asked about the fundraising location for CAS and the teacher's role in the process. The French students responded that they often fundraise in crowded restaurants, selling various items such as flowers and candies. French teacher Cloe added that the most challenging aspect is finding a suitable public welfare project. After 18 months of service, the students received positive feedback from the supervisors of the public welfare organization. Throughout the CAS process, the teacher acts as a guide and consultant for the students. The French students have also learned to organize their CAS experiences into a learning history file, which can be used as a reference when applying to universities.
The students from both schools took a group photo online before ending the session. The next exchange will involve grade 11 students from Ecole des Roches and JDP students from ZZSH sharing their experiences online.