2023 Taiwan-Sweden Student Cross-Disciplinary Learning Exchange and Collaboration Program

Locations: Stockholm, Sweden; Umeå, Sweden; Sundsvall, Sweden; Munich, Germany;
Nuremberg, Germany; Augsburg, Germany; Rothenburg, Germany
Program Duration: August 11th, 2023- August 26th, 2023
Summary of Student Learning in the 2023 Summer International Course:
The theme of this study trip was environmental sustainability and smart technology. In the realm of environmental sustainability, students visited the Stockholm Royal Seaport, an eco-friendly city project in Sweden. They also engaged in project-based learning at Galve Vasaskolan High School, staying with host families to experience urban life. The journey concluded with a visit to Sundsvall to explore sustainable forestry practices at SCA.
Regarding smart technology, students had the opportunity to visit the Siemens smart factory in Augsburg, Germany. The entire program spanned 16 days and provided students with a deepened and inspiring learning experience, enhancing their global competitiveness.